Rockwool FirePro Glue
This specially created water-based and fire resistant adhesive with an approximate pH 11 is supplied in 17 kg plastic tubs and 300ml cartridges. It has been specially developed for fixing ROCKWOOL fire protection systems as well as other suitable ROCKWOOL products where a high quality, fire resistant adhesive is required.
Demonstrating its durability, the FIREPRO Glue is able to withstand a wide range of application temperatures. For example frost exposure does not remove the products curing ability and has been tested when applied to surfaces with temperatures of -10°C or rising.
The setting times of glue in moist air conditions is approximately 6-8 hours if the temperature is above freezing point, or in approximately 1 hour at 20°C. FirePro® Glue in tubs must always be stirred before use to ensure a uniform product consistency. It is then easily applied using a pallet knife or trowel before pressing surfaces together. The application for the FirePro Glue cartridge is made using a sealant gun and spread evenly over the surface with a spatula or flat bladed tool.
- The product has been authorised for use in LUL surface and sub-surface premises (LUL Ref: 2271) when utilised in accordance with the relevant data sheet.
- Easy to apply – just make sure that the FIREPRO Glue has been sufficiently stirred to ensure a smooth application.
- Adaptable - FirePro Glue can be used effectively in a range of temperatures, making it the perfect fire resistant adhesive for a wide range of builds. The temperature of FirePro glue must be 5°C or more when applied to surfaces at lower temperatures.
- Quick drying – it sets in as little as four hours, ensuring that programme deadlines can stay on track.
- Supplied in 17 kg plastic tubs and 300ml cartridges (boxes of 12)
- Fire Resistance up to 4 hours (When tested with ROCKWOOL Fire Protection Systems)
Product Properties
Storage: Shelf life up to 12 months (Tub) / Shelf life up to 18 months (Cartridge)
Reaction to fire: Fire Resistance up to 4 hours (When tested with ROCKWOOL Fire Protection Systems)
Application temperature: Surface temperature of ≥ -10°C (Glue must be ≥ 5°C)
Product Data Sheet Links
FirePro Glue Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
FirePro Glue Installation Guide
The above information is based on current test data, health and safety information and application instructions supplied by our suppliers and manufacturers of the products. It is supplied for guidance and to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate. Customers should satisfy themselves to the suitability of the products in its intended use and no guarantee is given or implied as the conditions of actual use are beyond our control. If in doubt the customer should consult the designer of the project or the local building control.
Fire Stopping Shop, disclaim any liability for loss, damage or other expense which may arise from the use of this information, data or products refereed to and reserve the right to amend or change any details without notice. This statement does not affect your statuary rights.