OBEX CORTEX 0500FR Interface Sealing Membrane Inc 0763 Gasket - Class B-s3,
OBEX CORTEX 0500FR Interface Sealing Membrane Inc 0763 Gasket - Class B-s3,
OBEX CORTEX 0500FR Class B Interface Sealing Membrane with Gasket is a fire classified EPDM-alternative membrane which is used to create weather and airtight seals around openings such as windows, doors and curtain walling on construction projects.
This membrane achieves a fire classification of Class B-s3,d0 when tested according to EN 13501-1 and is also fully BBA approved for façade applications.
This membrane is manufactured with a gasket on one edge which enables the membrane to be securely attached directly into the channel of the window frame, or into the OBEX CORTEX Gasket Carrier.
Our range of gaskets are suitable for most widely used window systems such as Schuco, Reynaers, Aluprof, Senior and many others.
Typical Uses
Fire-classified weather & airtight seals around windows, doors and other unitised systems
3rd Party Certified
Class B
EN 1928 - EN 13984
Product Specs
50mm - 700mm
Technical Specs
Fire Classification | EN 13501-1
Watertightness | EN 1928
Pass – 2 kPa for 24 hours
Sd value | EN 1931
Tensile Strength | EN 12311-2
Longitudinal – 2490 N/50mm, Transverse – 2079 N/50mm
Air Tightness | EN 12114
3rd Party Approved
BBA Approval – No. 17/5396
Data Sheets
Agrement Certificate
The above information is based on current test data, health and safety information and application instructions supplied by our suppliers and manufacturers of the products. It is supplied for guidance and to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate. Customers should satisfy themselves to the suitability of the products in its intended use and no guarantee is given or implied as the conditions of actual use are beyond our control. If in doubt the customer should consult the designer of the project or the local building control.
Fire Stopping Shop, disclaim any liability for loss, damage or other expense which may arise from the use of this information, data or products refereed to and reserve the right to amend or change any details without notice. This statement does not affect your statuary rights.--