OBEX CORTEX 0160FR Adhesive Backed DPC Membrane - Class B-s3,d9
OBEX CORTEX 0160FR Adhesive Backed DPC Membrane - Class B-s3,d9
OBEX CORTEX 0160FR DPC Membrane is a Class B fire-classified cavity barrier designed to meet the most demanding applications. As an industry-first, this remarkable DPC membrane achieves a minimum fire classification of Class B-s3, d0, setting a new standard in safety and reliability.
The membrane has a very strong self-adhesive backing, making it quick and easy to install. It is ideal for external wall applications such as cavity barriers, where a DPC separation layer is required.
Class B Class B
EN 1928 - EN 14909 EN 1928 - EN 14909
Product Specs
Technical Specs
Harmonised Standard
EN 14909
Fire Classification | EN 13501-1
Tensile Strength | EN 12311-2
2300 / 2500 N/50mm
Tear Strength | EN 12310-2
264 / 405 N/mm
Watertightness | EN 1928
Pass - 2kPa for 24hrs
Cold Temperature Flexibility | EN 495 - 5
-40°C – no cracks
Data Sheets
The above information is based on current test data, health and safety information and application instructions supplied by our suppliers and manufacturers of the products. It is supplied for guidance and to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate. Customers should satisfy themselves to the suitability of the products in its intended use and no guarantee is given or implied as the conditions of actual use are beyond our control. If in doubt the customer should consult the designer of the project or the local building control.
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