Obex Cortex 0272FR UltraBoard Jointing Tape
Obex Cortex 0272FR UltraBoard Jointing Tape
OBEX CORTEX 0272FR UltraBoard Jointing Tape is a high-performance jointing tape developed for sealing the joints of the 0271FR UltraBoard System. The acrylic dispersion adhesive maintains a high-performance during exposure to heat, cold, water and moisture. The UltraBoard Jointing Tape contributed to a 2400pa watertightness of the UltraBoard system.
Product Specifications
Width : 150mm
Length : 25m
Thickness : 0.3mm
Colour : Black
Technical Specifications
Adhesive carrier : Woven glass fibre
Adhesive system : FR acrylic dispersion
Release liner : Silicone coated PE liner, White
Temperature Resistance : -40°C – +120°C
Recommended installation temperature : +5°C – 40°C
Tack : Excellent
UV Exposure : 12 Months
Product Datasheets
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