Illbruck ME356 FR Sealing Tape (WHITE)
Illbruck ME356 FR Sealing Tape (WHITE)
Self adhesive and reinforced tape with a white glass cloth face, used to bond and seal membrane joints and overlaps to create a Class A1 system solution with defined illbruck membranes.
Single-sided adhesive tape used to seal membrane joints and overlaps for interior and exterior use. Suitable for use with illbruck's ME055 FR Breather Membrane (White) to achieve a reaction to fire class A1 in accordance with EN 13501-1.
Safety data sheet should be read and understood before use.
Product Benefits
- Achieves a Class A1 system when used with ME055 FR Breather Membrane (White)
- For sealing breather membranes and VCL's
- High tear resistance
- Easy application
- Reinforced with glass cloth
- UV resistance up to 3 months
Data Sheets
Technical Data Sheet
The above information is based on current test data, health and safety information and application instructions supplied by our suppliers and manufacturers of the products. It is supplied for guidance and to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate. Customers should satisfy themselves to the suitability of the products in its intended use and no guarantee is given or implied as the conditions of actual use are beyond our control. If in doubt the customer should consult the designer of the project or the local building control.
Fire Stopping Shop, disclaim any liability for loss, damage or other expense which may arise from the use of this information, data or products refereed to and reserve the right to amend or change any details without notice. This statement does not affect your statuary rights.