Flametect Nitro D 5L
Available 5L & 25 litres
This product is skin friendly & weather resistant for use on all natural & most synthetic materials including clothing & seating both indoors & outdoors & in wet or damp areas.
Flametect Nitro D. Works by disrupting the burning process & quickly converting natural & synthetic materials to carbon, forming a flame retardant carbon barrier.
Flametect Nitro D. also contains a water & U.V. resistant binder, rendering it weather & water resistant
Flametect Nitro D. is a non-toxic, non-hazardous formulation , that is easy to apply.
- Full Certification with every order traceable to A UKAS accredited laboratory
- Produced in an ISO 9001 Quality Assured environment to exacting standards
- Treats up to 15 sq. metres per litre.
- Water & weather resistant
- Water based flame retardant. No nasty solvents.
- Suitable for apparel & bedding
- Non sting formula. safe on skin, non-allergenic.
- Suitable for seating & soft upholstery
- Excellent performance on artificial flowers
- Suitable for tents , marquees, yurts & outdoor textiles to BS7837 & BS 5438
- Suitable for spray, roller or immersion application.
- Can achieve B.S.5867 Pt2 Type B. B.S.5852
- Achieves BS5651 Water Soak Test
- Can perform to M.C.A & I.M.O specifications for charter vessels & passenger ships
- Can perform to C.A.A. Spec 8 for aircraft
- Effective on natural , natural / synthetic blends & most synthetic textiles.
- Everything that Flametect C. & Flametect Nitro are capable of ,Plus performs outdoors or In damp or wet environments
- Tents, marquees, event tents ,yurts, tepees & outdoor textiles
Material Safety Data Sheet - Click Here
For further information or assistance, please call our technical team today on 02476 422200
All orders for this product are usually despatched within 24 to 48 hours of receiving cleared payment (Mon–Fri).
The above information is based on current test data, health and safety information and application instructions supplied by our suppliers and manufacturers of the products. It is supplied for guidance and to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate. Customers should satisfy themselves to the suitability of the products in its intended use and no guarantee is given or implied as the conditions of actual use are beyond our control. If in doubt the customer should consult the designer of the project or the local building control.
Fire Stopping Shop, disclaim any liability for loss, damage or other expense which may arise from the use of this information, data or products refereed to and reserve the right to amend or change any details without notice. This statement does not affect your statuary rights.